Picnic bench in puddle

It’s been a while (*ahem) but I’ve finally run the numerous outstanding updates on this site as I try to get ready for a project that I’ve been thinking about for years. I’m going to get organised. Hopefully, with everything, but initially I’ll be documenting my digital journey here. The recent upgrade of Capture One to version 21 being the main catalyst for me getting into gear and getting started. I’ve been thoroughly testing (playing around with) versions 12 & 20 for some time and have been preparing to go through my entire image library which is hovering around 20,000 images to get it into some sort of order. This project has a few targets.

  • Organise and keyword my image library
  • Cull images that should have been removed years ago
  • Learn the Capture One 21 software thoroughly
  • Set myself up for a couple of photography projects I’ve been wanting to try for ages

As part of the learning process, I’m going to try and process my very oldest images again to see how they stand up today. I’m not convinced they’re going to be great, but it should be interesting.

I’m also hoping to start adding more photos soon so it seems like a good time to get things in order and get to grips with Capture One 21 so that new shoots can be processed efficiently and creatively. With the current lockdown measures, I may try and push for a photo a day to keep me focussed on something. To get me going, consider the attached image to be day one taken today during a walk round the coast.

To set the baseline data, the current working copy of my image library (main library and not the one on my phone which will be ridiculous) contains 20,019 images. I’m intrigued to see how much this is altered when/if I get through it all.